Jawatan Kosong Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) - Closing Date 11 July 2014

Jawatan Kosong Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) - Closing Date 11 July 2014


MIA is a statutory body established under the Accountants Act, 1967 to regulate and develop the accountancy profession in Malaysia. To date, MIA has 30556 members.

MIA's responsibilities include education and quality assurance as well as enforcement which are carried out to ensure that the credibility of the profession is maintained and that public interest is continuously upheld.

Its regulatory role is carried out through the following approaches:-

Bullets Having an effective and competitive assessment framework in admitting members into MIA to ensure that the profession is able to meet public expectations where its human capital is concerned
Bullets Meeting the education and development needs of members as part of a commitment to help members be knowledgeable and maintain their relevance in today’s markets
Bullets Implementing professional standards and practices based on internationally accepted guidelines as standards and By-Laws for members to comply with in maintaining the integrity of the profession
Bullets Having in place a robust disciplinary system for those who fail to comply with these standards and By-laws.

Since its establishment more than 40 years ago, MIA has also been an active partner in nation-building as it actively contributes views and ideas for the well-being of the nation and its economy. In addition, MIA monitors international and local accounting trends and developments, and consults regularly with the government and regulatory bodies.

In the international and regional arena, MIA plays a significant role in developing and advancing the global accounting profession through its involvement in organisations such as:-

Bullets Asean Federation of Accountants (AFA)
Bullets International Federation of Accountants (IFAC)

MIA’s involvement in these bodies also enables Malaysian accountants to have a voice on these global and regional platforms, also enabling the latest developments overseas to be brought home for the betterment of the profession.

The use of the word ‘accountant’

In Malaysia, the word ‘accountant’ is protected as provided for under the provisions of the Act which states that no one can hold himself out or practise as an accountant unless he is registered as a member of MIA.

Jawatan Kosong Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) - Closing Date 11 July 2014

The Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) is a statutory body responsible to regulate and develop the accountancy profession in Malaysia. It is the sole organisation in Malaysia with the right to determine whether or not a person is qualified to be recognised as an accountant by virtue of the power provided by the Accountants Act, 1967.

Jawatan Kosong Terkini 2014 di Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA)


1. Manager - Professional Standards and Practices

2. Assistant Manager - Financial Statement Review and CPE Compliance

3. Junior Executive - Professional Development

Closing Date : 11 July 2014